Pantheon SEMPARIS Le serveur des séminaires parisiens Paris

Status Confirmed
Seminar Series IJCLAB-COSM
Subjects gr-qc
Date Monday 27 January 2025
Time 14:00
Institute IJCLAB
Seminar Room 210/1-114 - Salle des Séminaires (IJCLab)
Speaker's Last Name Del Porro
Speaker's First Name Francesco
Speaker's Email Address
Speaker's Institution Niels Bohr Institute
Title Hawking radiation without Lorentz invariance
Abstract Hawking radiation is one of the most outstanding discoveries about black holes. Well-established at the theoretical level, this effect predicts that the interplay between a quantum field and the underlying relativistic causal structure of a black hole geometry makes this object evaporate thermally. However, the investigation in the direction of a quantum theory of gravity makes us to rethink this second ingredient such as in Hořava gravity, where the violation of Local Lorentz invariance drastically changes the causal structure of spacetime. In this context, particles are endowed with modified dispersion relation and the notion of black hole is (remarkably) recovered in a completely different fashion. In this talk (mainly based on arXiv:2310.01472), I will show how black holes in a Lorentz violating scenario radiate and how the Hawking effect is affected by the violation of Lorentz invariance.
arXiv Preprint Number 2310.01472

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